School exchange program

What is it?

Participating in our overseas exchange program is the opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a unique cultural experience. They will get to live with a host family in a foreign country, attending school alongside their exchange partner.

Here are some key details:

  • Exchanges last up to 3 months.
  • Partnerships are established between Perth Waldorf School (PWS) or Parkerville Steiner College (PSC) and various overseas Steiner/Waldorf schools only.
  • Both you and your exchange partner will engage in regular classes, camps, plays, homework, and other activities according to the schedules of both PWS and the host school.

Please note that our schools only support ‘two-way’ exchanges.

Who can participate?

This opportunity is available for Class 10 students with the consent of their parents, class coordinator, High School faculty, and the exchange school.

Exchanges exclusively occur between students from Waldorf Schools.

When does it happen?

  • Exchanges take place during the Class 10 year.
  • Timing considerations include the scheduling of camps, main lessons, work experiences, seasonal differences in the host country, and arrangements for the visiting student in Perth.  Your Year Coordinator can help with this.

What does it cost?

  • School fees: each family continues to pay their school fees as usual at their school, so no school fees are payable for the exchange
  • Camps need to be paid for. Some schools offer the opportunity of camps to awesome destinations. If you go on a camp while you are on exchange, the camp fees will need to be paid by you/your family. Similarly, the overseas student needs to pay for camps while at PWS.
  • Other costs you need to cover: air fares, travel insurance, medical insurance, spending money, passport and visa fees, weekends away, clothing and personal care items, etc
  • You live with the student’s family and they live with yours, so living costs (food, transport, accommodation, etc) are part of the exchange.

For any questions about our student exchange program or to request access to the overseas student profiles, please contact us:

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