Pixie Stott Canteen
The PWS Pixie Stott Canteen is open every school day, offering a wholesome, seasonal menu to students and staff, as well as drinks and a selection of cakes and biscuits for the community and visitors.
The canteen is managed by Megan Harry.
Phone: 9417 3638
Email: canteen@pws.wa.edu.au
Mon, Tues and Wed – 8:10am-3:15pm (closed between 2-2:30pm).
Thur – 8:10am-2:30pm (closed between 1:30pm-2:00pm).
Fri – 8:10am-1:30pm.
(The canteen will be closed everyday between 11-11:30am for lunch preparations.)
The canteen now requires all students, staff and parents to pre-order food. This helps the canteen staff, reduce waste and keeps prices low.
Morning tea orders are due by 8:30am
Lunch orders are due by 10:40am
Orders can be made:
- in person at the front of the canteen
- by text message to the canteen phone: 0412 035 670*.
*Please note – this text line is just for ordering, not a communication with the canteen – please call or email details above with queries.
The canteen will continue to supply emergency lunch orders, as usual, billed to individual families.
Drinks, cakes and biscuits will still be available over the counter for parents and visitors.
You can set up an account with the canteen and pre-pay credit for use during the term, using the form below.
If you wish to top up your account please choose from the following payment options:
- Direct debit – BSB 066000 Account no. 13162921. Please use your canteen account name as reference and send a receipt to the canteen text line 0412 035 670
- Direct cash or card payment at the canteen (students are able to do this as well)
Canteen forms and menu
Volunteers wanted
The canteen is looking for volunteers to help with handing out lunch orders from 12:00pm-1:30pm every day. All volunteers will be supplied lunch and coffee and can use any time in the canteen towards family participation hours.
All volunteers need to have completed the food safe course (see link below). It takes approximately an hour, and this time can go towards family participation hours.
Food handling training link
For free access, use this code: FSCBURN315.
Please contact Megan at the canteen, on pws.canteenmanager@gmail.com or 0412 035 670, if you are interested.
You can set up an account with the canteen and pre-pay credit for use during the term, using the form below.
If you wish to top up your account, please choose from the following payment options:
- Direct debit – BSB 066000 Account no. 13162921. Please use your canteen account name as reference and send a receipt to the canteen text line 0412 035 670
- Direct cash or card payment at the canteen (students are able to do this as well)