Rudolf Steiner

Each Waldorf school, while sharing a common philosophical base and methodology with other Waldorf schools, has a unique character.

In the broadest sense, Waldorf education aims to:

  • Awaken and preserve the child’s innate sense of wonder, awe and reverence for life.
  • Restore vitality to childhood by infusing the learning process with love and enthusiasm.
  • Cultivate the child’s capacity for clear thinking.

The School’s objective is to:

  • Help each child blossom into young adulthood with a balanced capacity for both feeling and thinking, so that they are prepared, with self confidence and inner resources to accept responsibility and take their places as creative, self-directed members of society.

Academic Program

The Waldorf school curriculum has been developed and refined over the past 80 years and is designed as a unity. Its subjects are introduced and developed in a sequence that mirrors the inner development of the pupil as they grow. Incoming students at every grade level easily adjust to the natural progression of the curriculum.

The School does not seek any specific type of student; a broad spectrum of styles and abilities within each class is essential for creating a healthy environment. Our students all acquire knowledge and information in a curriculum approved by the State Government School Curriculum and Standards Authority.

Stepping Into Life

Of one thing we may be certain about the future, we do not know what it holds in store. One of the prime reasons parents give for choosing Waldorf education for their children is that it keeps the pupil inwardly supple and mobile, essentially for the technical adaptability and social flexibility invariably demanded in our fast-changing world.

Former pupils of other Waldorf schools are found to be people with a broad range of disciplines and interests. These they maintain within the framework of specialised work, a wealth of inner resourcefulness and initiative, and an outlook on life that is always ready to face challenges or initiate the next quest.

Their education and the fact that schools make it their policy to attract a spectrum drawn from diverse backgrounds, ensures that they are not only able to function well in teams, but are at home in different social settings – extremely important in today’s multicultural, multi-disciplined world. In entering, as they do, all walks of life they take with them all the above qualities.